Feb 24, 2022
Have you ever wondered what tactics have the most bang for your buck when trying to resolve a claim? Or….more importantly, what really puts a wedge in early negotiations. This week on the Defense Never Rests I am joined by my law school classmate David Kwalter. Like many of us, Dave had a bob and weave path to where...
Feb 17, 2022
For many the response to that is: “what the heck is a captive?” OR perhaps you are in the position that you are evaluating your loss ratios with your premium costs and maybe you are intrigued with the idea of potentially joining a risk retention group. Maybe you’ve heard the term but really just do not have a full...
Feb 10, 2022
Do you use social media to help promote your professional persona? Well…if you are reading this on Linkedin, chances are the answer to the question is yes. I think we all utilize this platform in similar but also different ways. Some use to gather information that is helpful to their practice. Others use it as a...
Feb 3, 2022
What does outside counsel do that makes you want to pull your hair out? Multiple typos in reports? Retaining experts without consent? Long and wordy reports? Or how about failing to respond to repeated follow up requests? On this week's podcast episode of The Defense Never Rests, we return to discussing the “do’s”...